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Headteacher’s Welcome

On behalf of the children, staff and Governors I would like to extend a warm welcome to our website. It aims to give you an overview of some key information about the school alongside regular updates throughout the year.

White Mere Community Primary is a happy and caring place to be. The family atmosphere and team spirit is what makes our school the special place that it is.

The children are at the heart of the decisions that we make. We strive to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the positive experiences provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. As our logo says….’Learning for Life’.

Pupils of all ages have access to a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum. Each individual is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential and the opportunity to shine.

We have high expectations in terms of behaviour and attitudes. We encourage our pupils to have respect for themselves and others, and to develop as responsible members of our global society.

From the starting point of a child’s journey with us, we believe that we can achieve the best for your child through close cooperation between home and school. These trusted relationships help us to fully understand the needs of each child and give them the best conditions to thrive.

If you have any questions or would like to visit us please call in or telephone to make an appointment.

Kind regards,

Mr J. Archer