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Governing Body Mission Statement

  • We work with the school to ensure an effective strategic direction whilst fulfilling all of our statutory obligations.
  • We help to provide a school where a well-rounded, creative and inspiring education is accessible to all pupils.
  • We continually develop the school through forward thinking, shared ambition and a passion to create an amazing place to learn.

Who Are School Governors

Governors are the people who sit on the board that sets the strategic vision of a school, holds the Headteacher to account for its educational performance and makes sure its financial resources are well spent. They use their skills and experience to govern in the best interests of pupils leaving the day to day running of the school to the Headteacher. They set priorities and make strategic decisions in areas such as planning, budgeting, project management, human resources, policy development, health and safety, marketing and change management. Schools are increasingly autonomous and in need of strong governance.

The Role of the Governing Body

White Mere’s Governing Body has a strategic role in the development of the school but does not become involved in the day-to-day management issues – that is the role of the Headteacher.

We are here to:

  • Provide a strategic view – help to set and maintain the broad framework within which the Headteacher and staff should run the school
  • Act as a critical friend – provide the Headteacher with support and offer advice and information but also to provide some challenge. The governing body is there to monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness and governors should therefore be prepared to ask challenging questions
  • To ensure accountability – the Headteacher and staff report to the governing body on the school’s performance. In turn the governing body is accountable to all stakeholders on the school’s overall performance.


Governing Body Committee Structure (September 2024)


Governing Body Committee Structure (September 2023-August 2024)

Name Governor Type Term of Office Starts/Expires Body Appointed/Elected by Committees Relevant Pecuniary Interests* Lead Areas and Links
David Tait Co-opted Governor (Chair) 21/03/23 to 20/03/27 Governing Body
  • Curriculum & Pupils
  • Resources
  • Headteacher’s Performance Management
  • Website
  • Pupil Premium
Rebecca Foote Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair) 21/06/22 to 20/06/26 Governing Body
  • Curriculum & Pupils
  • Resources
  • Curriculum
  • Pupil Premium
  • Safeguarding
John Archer Acting Headteacher 22/03/22 to N/A Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
  • Resources
  • Teaching Staff Appointments**



Victoria Bruce Co-opted Governor 17/04/23 to 16/04/27 Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
Dominic Blackburn Staff Governor 07/10/22 to 06/10/26 Staff – Elected   None  
Cllr Linda Green Co-opted Governor 02/02/22 to 01/02/26 Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
  • Resources
  • Leadership and Management
Cllr Stuart Green Local Authority Governor 02/02/22 to 01/02/26 Governing Body (from LA nomination)
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
Jackie Monte Co-opted Governor 21/06/22 to 20/06/26 Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
  • Headteacher’s Performance Management
  • EYFS
Alan Pitchers Co-opted Governor 28/03/22 to 27/03/26 Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
  • Headteacher’s Performance Management
  • Curriculum
Joanne Reavey Co-opted Governor 02/02/22 to 01/02/26 Governing Body
  • Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring
  • Resources (Chair)
  • SEND
Mrs Angela Fraser Parent Governor 16/06/23 to 15/06/27 Parents – Elected   None


Mr Paul Oley Parent Governor 16/06/23 to 15/06/27 Parents – Elected   None  

*as recorded in register of interests at Governing Body meeting on 03/02/2022
**In addition to the Headteacher, any governor may attend if requested.

Record of Governors Attendance (Sept 2022-Aug 2023)

Name Full Governing Body Curriculum and Pupils/Monitoring Finance, Staffing & Pay Resources
Victoria Bruce 4/4 0/1 1/1 1/2
Rebecca Foote 3/4 1/1 1/1 2/2
Cllr Linda Green 2/4 0/1 0/1 1/2
Jackie Monte 3/4 N/A N/A N/A
Alan Pitchers 3/4 1/1 N/A N/A
Joanne Reavey 2/4 N/A 1/1 2/2
David Tait 4/4 N/A 1/1 2/2
John Archer 4/4 1/1 1/1 1/2
Cllr Stuart Green 4/4 0/1 N/A N/A
Angela Fraser (Appointed 16 June 2023) 1/1 N/A N/A N/A
Paul Oley (Appointed 16 June 2023) 1/1 N/A N/A N/A
Dominic Blackburn (Appointed 7 Oct 2022) 1/4 N/A N/A N/A
Margaret Rich (End date 22 May 2023) 2/3 1/1 N/A N/A

How to Become a School Governor

If you’d like to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, please visit the Gateshead Governors website. Alternatively, you can speak to the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors who will be able to provide further information.

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How to Contact the Governing Body

To contact the Governing Body, please send any correspondence directly to the school marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors.