Design Technology
At White Mere Primary School, we believe in the difference our design and technology curriculum can make to the children’s lives. We understand design and technology is a valuable way for children to develop skills for life and potential careers, so we aim to provide these building blocks of skills and knowledge. We also recognise how design and technology can support the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. For example, by instilling a sense of awe and wonder when studying the natural world or human achievement, educating pupils to consider the environmental impact of everyday products and providing opportunities to work as a team, recognising others’ strengths and sharing equipment.
Through creative and motivating projects within a range of contexts, we aim for children to develop the essentials of good practice in design and technology. Whenever children are designing and making products, they are asked to consider who they are designing and making products for and what the purpose of their product is. We strongly believe we should encourage creativity and imagination in our DT curriculum therefore we plan opportunities for children to make design decisions such as deciding how their product will work and choosing which materials to use. We love to see a range of design ideas and products being developed! This means that alongside introducing new skills to children to improve their technical and practical expertise, we want the children to make products which are real and meaningful to themselves. The children are also helped to evaluate and revise what they have done, becoming familiar and increasingly independent with this important process.
Our long-term planning of the DT curriculum is designed so that children progress through six key ‘pillars’ of development:
- Food technology
- Users and purposes
- Product research
- Design technology vocabulary
- Product features
- Invention and development
As well having its own body of knowledge, understanding and skills, we recognise how DT can draw on learning from a range of other subjects. It is an amazing, enjoyable context for children to apply and develop mathematical, English, science, art, computing and geography skills.
At White Mere, we appreciate the impact design and technology can have upon personal wellbeing and promote this subject further throughout the year during STEM days and challenges where children can celebrate their achievements and innovations with a wider audience.
Our intent is always to ensure our pupils are ready for their next phase of education. Our progression map outlines the end-of-year expectations.