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Computing Intent

In an ever-changing, modern world, computing has become a part of everyday life. Therefore, it is our aim at White Mere to equip our children with the skills and technical vocabulary to excel in a world that is rapidly changing through the use of technology.

Children at White Mere embed computing skills through a thematic, cross-curricular approach. The Dimensions Curriculum focuses on 6 main areas to build knowledge.

In Computer Science, the aim is for children to think systematically and problem solve, build resilience, cooperate and understand key vocabulary such as ‘algorithm’ and ‘program’.

Digital Citizenship is designed to allow children to explore new technology, internet and apps safely and responsibly. The children learn to validate things that they read, as well as, challenge and question information found on the digital sphere.

Children learn how to collect Data and how to represent it in many different ways using the latest technologies. From charts and pictograms to excel spreadsheets, children will also draw conclusions from their data and make comparisons.

Information Technology equips children with the understanding of internet use and search engines, the history of the World Wide Web and effective communication online.

Technical Vocabulary is an integral part of computing and the children of White Mere become expert technical communicators using technology specific vocabulary.

Children learn through the use of Multimedia, where they can select the appropriate technology device for specific uses.

White Mere provides an exciting approach to learning with the use of resources from Purple Mash. Purple Mash allows children to use challenging, yet exciting games and programs at school and at home so they can consolidate their digital skills.

The children of White Mere actively develop skills which equip them to safely become active participants in a digital world.

Our intent is always to ensure our pupils are ready for their next phase of education. Our progression map outlines the end-of-year expectations.